Monday, April 19, 2010

Cautionary Note

The following script (from Will & Grace) to be read (preferrably out loud), as fast as you can:

Jack:  [High on coffee, and saying speedily]
Hey, friends, lovers, mothers and other strangers. You are never going to believe what's happened to me... Oh, my God, did you just see that? I almost did a half nelson, I almost bruised my delicates, my delicates, my domo arigatos, Mr tomatoes.
[Gulps iced coffee drink]
Jack:  Huge News! I have met, are you ready for this, Mr Right, well, Mr Right Now, anyway. Good night, folks, I'm here all week, Jack 2000. He works over at the Jumpin Java - you know, that coffee shop on seventy second and his name is Paul and he is cute with a capital Q! And the busier it gets, the hotter he gets, and the hotter he gets, the sweatier he gets, and the sweatier he gets... I forgot where I'm goin with this, but the point is me likey he and he likey me and the best part is... , schezam! he gives me free iced coffee every time I go in which is every hour on the hour and thank you very much and occasionally on the half hour. Ba ba ba ba ba
[blows raspberry]

I wish I had the video of this to share.  Perhaps you remember it from Will & Grace (in 2001, season 3, ep. 11: Coffee and Commitment).  This short monologue stands as one of the funniest in modern comedy in my opinion.  I always laugh inside when I even think of the image in my mind.  The image of Jack high on coffee . . . not the infatuation with finding Mr Right . . .  in that respect, I am already happy!

Sooo, what is my point, besides sharing comedy?  This monologue serves as my little comedic devil on my shoulder, when I am buzzing from too much coffee, cappuccino, latte or the like.  Of which I am buzzing now and getting things done.  Speedy Momma, cleaning fury, tickling machine and fast storyteller . . . all within a few minutes.  Or is it the good angel on my shoulder warning me?  Don't know, don't really care . . . moderation is key!  And coffee has few carbs in it - just a little cream or non-dairy, thank you!

Day 26 of being on the Sonoma Diet - Waves 1 & 2!  With the exception of Easter and a very slow re-entry back into the "getting the white out" cleanse after Easter, we (Larry and I) are doing fine.  Crud, I just realized I was hoping on the 7 lbs a month weight loss that is considered healthy and not too drastic, and  . . . wait a minute . .  . I did that!!! SEVEN pounds off, and the month cycle is the 25th of April!  Yay me!  O.K., and Larry, who is having a much easier time with this.  Sugar, in the form of chocolate, is creeping back in for me, and my craving for this is not quite squashed yet.  I was going for the 70% and even 85% cocoa Lindt chocolate only, but find I am sneaking in (no, make that mindlessly, carelessly grabbing) some of the Easter left over choc. eggs that remain in Jose's basket in the dining room.  More spring clean-up needed I guess!

I must mention the exercise component of this weight loss.  There has been nothing special.  Yoga, pilates and other videos have been left in their pile, gathering dust I suspect.  That's right, we've just been living the springtime - with gardening, walking, some stretching and being outside - oh, happy Spring!  I do plan to up the bicycling and begin run/walk intervals this next 30 days.  I have been so fearful of wrenching my foot and realize that fear is paralyzing me from even beginning.  No fear!  Just get going and find out, and discover as I move along!

More foodie type offerings to come - in the form of photos, lists & links.  I will also share the ups and downs of the past month.  Really, there have not been many downs - surprisingly!

Afternoon tasks here I come . . .  sans coffee.
(and yes, I ended every paragrapgh with an exclamation point!  Buzz-buzzzz!)

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