Saturday, July 17, 2010

Garden Delights: Zucchini Pickles and Canned Yellow & Green Beans

Finished the zucchini pickles in the evening.  Larry was working with small deck light.  All came out fine.
Final cleaning and cutting beans today and the canning outside using the pressure canner - great tool to have!  Pressure took a while to lower on its own - it was 97 degrees outside! 

The thing about harvesting and processing vegetables in southern Pennsylvania summers, its always hot and humid.  You really appreciate all that goes into home gardens and real (large) farming and their workers picking in huge fields and getting vegetables to markets.  Seems we should never complain about prices for great tasting fresh veggies.  We are even happier if we can walk out back and pick our own vegetables!

And Zucchini bread, of course!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You and Larry have been busy. Today I discovered 1 zucchini in the garden and by Thursday we will have 1 tomato. Within the week we will be overwhelmed with raspberries, just in time for Angela to be home to eat them unless Zoe gets to them first. ~ joanne
