Friday, December 9, 2011

Democracy is for people

Speaking of democracy, Citizens United may top the list of recent history corruption in thinking and actions. 
No thank you US Supreme Court members (5-4 vote).

Bravo and all power to you, Congressman Ted Deutch (FL-19) and Senator Bernard Sanders (VT) in this fight for democracy for all Americans:


The Saving American Democracy Amendment as it is presented:

What this amendment means:
Fact sheet

"I Pledge Allegiance . . . "

Nordquist Pledge Monster

Exactly! is my response to this Politico article.  Now if the President of the U.S., U.S. Reps and Senators and State government officials who have NOT signed this would just speak up and shine a light on the fact that these elected officials are not serving the people of this country, nor doing their job as written and sworn in under the US Constitution.  These signers are power addicts, cowardly and soulless, and are of no service to the majority of the population of this country.  And if the American people (use this OWS folks, please) would just see this for the toxic drug that it is.

What are they really pledging allegiance to?  Corporations and their high financed special interest lobbyists?  One powerful and arrogant man?  They certainly are not pledging to do the work of the country for the good of the American people.  And if they don't sign, the money flow stops and their line to power (not service, they've already chosen to give that up) comes to an abrupt end.

This Nordquist pledge and what it has done to the minds and actions of those charged to serve our country, seems so obviously corrupt and immoral (in that money and greed are keeping people's democracy hostage) that I can not understand nor accept anyone's defense of any politician who has signed onto this.