Sunday, September 25, 2011

To listen, feel, cry, and understand

From Sendak's lastest book, "Bumble-ardy"

The other day, while listening to "Fresh Air", a poignant, loving interview made me cry and understand.

In loving memory of Vera, Uncle Glenn, and Aunt Al and the many elderly in our lives who have felt and are feeling the same as Mr. Sendak when he says, "I cry a lot because I miss people. They die and I can't stop them. They leave me and I love them more. ... What I dread is the isolation. ..."

Listen to the "Fresh Air" interview (Terry Gross) with Maurice Sendak here:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Bury the War State's Blank Check at Sea"

"If September 11th was indeed a nightmare, 9/11 as a memorial and Ground Zero as a “consecrated” place have turned out to be a blank check for the American war state, funding an endless trip to hell.  They have helped lead us into fields of carnage that put the dead of 9/11 to shame."
~ Tom Engelhardt

Link to his letter that so eloquently states his peaceful frustration with war mentality bravado:
With great respect for peaceful Americans

"We will never forget" does not give us an endless excuse to continue endless war.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The view that led to a soccer field confrontation

"The government has no place in education."
"They are not teaching the three Rs in public education, it's just social engineering."

These are a couple of phrases loudly spouted out at a YMCA town soccer field, boys soccer practice last week.  I merely asked why not "Town" high school? in a conversation about this woman's son, who is at a Catholic HS, and he wants to go to the public HS.


I was silent as my mind reeled.  I couldn't fathom opening my mouth for fear of not being able to hold back the flood gates.  My husband however, after a couple of minutes of this continuing (in the presence of several other parents I know have kids in public schools), opened his mouth and said "How can you even say that?"  And the "discussion" continued on for about ten minutes.  My stomach now in a knot, hoping and giving "be careful" glances his way, waiting for a spot when I could join in with a moderating opinion.  Luckily it ended OK.  Awkward silence for the rest of the practice.  He didn't quite put himself in the mode needed for this "crucial conversation" involving an issue of high emotion and high stakes.  We did get out unharmed.  At least one parent now at my son's school knows we don't hang on the line of the far-right.  I went home literally sick to my stomach and again feeling utterly betrayed by a fellow parent of kids I care about.  And feeling insulted beyond words, for the work that I have given my best to and my husband does as well, in public service for Americans.

Monday, September 5, 2011

"There is a lot more science behind it than saying it's not."

Bravo Bill Nye!  BRAVO!


Fox News cuts off, interrupts any main point off their own talking points.
And the clip of Al Gore was edited right at a key point in his sentence.  Right where people say they do not go for the lies.
". . . I don’t go for that so don’t talk that way around me. I just don’t believe that.’"

"When you learn the science of climate change . . . you will find it quite compelling."
 - Bill Nye
 This is the main point, and he had to speak it through interrupting words of Fox News guy.

Comments on this link show how ridiculous Fox News is, and how easy it is to see his talking head bobble as a puppet.

I look forward to the day Fox News implodes on itself and becomes a cautionary tale in the history of media.