Monday, August 29, 2011

Science in reverence to and in stewardship of God's glory


This is not just understanding the universe, but understanding that we are souls here to care for the Earth and all life that we and our children and future generations are given.



Sunday, August 28, 2011

Birthday Breakfast with Boyzan!

The weather finally calmed down after a full night of steady wind and rain being on the outskirts of Irene.

Joseph learned from Daddy how to make coffee and served me coffee and a muffin to start the day!  Followed by an egg in a hole from Daddy.
I watched Sunday Morning (first time in ages) and at commercial breaks, Joseph entertained me with karate forms and other moves.

Morning head, morning hugs!

We had an Italian dinner out last night and even went to Wegman's (the only here in south central PA) to pick out a small, wonderful chocolate cake and a flank steak for today to go with our homegrown potatoes and sauteed zucchini and marinated tomatoes.  Oh, and they found some flowers of course!

Love my boys!  They want today to be ALL about me and what I want to do!  Oh, OK! 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Blowing in on a Hurricane

OK, not so much, we are on the far edge of the winds.  Looking at steady rain and some 25-35 mph winds.
Last year I was in New York City with my sister and nieces; glad not to be there today.  All mass transit and so many other places there are shut down.  Weird ghost town like.  Mayor Bloomberg isn't taking any chances.

Excited about tomorrow!  Joseph is especially happy about celebrations of any type.  Somehow this 45 mark seems bigger and with better expectations for the year to come than did my 40th.

Of course though, I am blessed with each and every year!

August 2006 - Riding on a Merry-Go-Round

August 2011 - Paddling in a canoe

My best gift, year after year, is our little one, growing up so fast!

A few more days till school begins again.  Hello 1st grade!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Remembering Anna - "Our Quantum Hamster"

Anna, our sweet, adventurous, IndiANNA Jones hamster passed away yesterday.  She fought a brave battle against intestinal blockage.  We think that for some reason,  she took to chomping on the soft Carefresh pet bedding.  We all joined in helping her try to survive, through special feedings of applesauce and cucumber and following other advice from the Vet, and yet, her life ended after five months of being with us.

With the fondest of memories for her sweet, silly ways and for her curiosity and calm when she was in Joseph's hands, we wish her peace.

"You were the greatest little hamster I could ever have." ~ Joseph

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A word (cloud) of influence

"Blessed is the influence of one true, 
loving human soul on another." 
~ George Eliot (pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans Cross)

Thank You!

(Many of these names are for several people in my heart with the same name.
All are placed, sized and repeated randomly, to form this fuzzy heart!)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tang Soo Do - Receiving Orange Belt

At the end of class today, in the belting ceremony, Joseph received his orange belt and certificate!  
So much hard (and fun) work to come this far since February.  His body and mind show wonderful growth through the hours of stretching, workouts, forms, punches, kicks, sparring and discipline of Tang Soo.  Joseph has loved every day he has gone to Master Min's classes.  What a good thing it is that he has this genuine interest and ownership in developing skills that are uniquely his at the end of the day.

Off with the old yellow

On with the new, orange belt

Bowing to Mr. Bear

 And from here is where I move and don't refocus properly - dang!

Joseph and Ayla - the newest orange belts

So proud!  with Master Michael Min
(in focus, yay!)

Heading home.  Out front with friend Mathew.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

14 Years!

One very hot summer day, we joined our lives together, 
and began our celebration . . .
August 16, 1997

About two and a half years later, Abbey bounded in (Dec. 1999)
February 2000

Eight years later, a little guy came into our lives . . .
August 12, 2005

filling our days with joy, ten years later . . .
August 2007

and fourteen years later, the party continues . . .
August 2011

in all the simple things we do together as two and as a family!
(Too many photos to choose from . . . random shots catch a mere glimpse)

Thank you Larry for your love, as we keep the party going!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Coming Alive!

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs;
ask yourself what makes you come alive.
And then go and do that.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
- Harold Whitman

Laughing and pouring rain . . . such beautiful sounds!

Tang Soo Do - Prep and Testing

Smiling and ready on test day!

But first, last preparation two days before test.

Day of Testing

Joseph with his friends Eric and Mathew

Getting ready before Master Michael Min

Stretch stretch!

Black belts, with a very young (11 or 12 yr old) one.


Going through forms

Ready for elbow breaking technique



Watching Mathew do the hammer fist break

Tang Soo!

Woohoo!  Mission accomplished.

Again, we are so proud and happy for you!
Love you little guy!